
Feeling Overwhelmed? How do you manage a group of students outside? 

Here a few tips to get you started!

  • Student ownership will make a huge difference. Gardening shows evidence of who is working and who is not. Assign them personal plots in the garden, either as individuals, pairs, or small groups. Label which is theirs. Let them choose what to plant. For example from 8 winter crops they can choose 3.

  • Outside Management needs routines and rules as strict and clear as you enforce inside. Practice them the first week and take the time to make these clear.

  • Rotate groups. Organize your students into group sizes that you are comfortable working with. (If you teach in a one room school-pair your older students with your younger students) Then call one group at a time to work in the garden. Have the rest of the students sitting on carpet squares or yoga mats on the ground doing other work, such as reading or journaling time. Get two birds with one stone-having them accomplish another needed task for that day!

  • Go to the bathroom as part of your routine before you go to the garden. Bathrooms are often not easily accessible from the garden, so make it a part of your routine to allow for bathroom time before you go outside. Don’t allow them to waste time because they don’t want to be in the garden.